Saturday, August 18, 2007

Life is ONE infinite unstoppable journey

Life is One and will remain so forever. We stop in life because we see life as pieces.

Poverty sucks!!! Illusion sucks! Its ego which keeps you closed into the past or takes you deep into the future whereas love takes you into the timeless zone where there is only the present moment.

Its guilt, lack of awareness, fear, not able to accept your own personality & god, and not doing enough good to people around you that stops you from moving ahead in life.

Also, if a person does not realize what he is looking for then he/she would not achieve anything in life.

It is also when we are not able to accept our own selves as we are and who we are.

We stop because we cannot accept guilt, fear and fright.

Not realizing your blunders makes you stop in life.

When you get carried away by your emotions, thoughts, dreams, small achievements and desires is what stops you from moving ahead in life.

When you don't listen to your own heart and fall down, you feel stuck.

When you've to take that courageous step and you don't, you're stuck because what you know is only fear which is fictitious and has no sense of reward for inculcating it within you.

When you listen to people who do not know much, understand much and talk more than required while instructing you to do what is best as per their view point, you've laid the red carpet that you will never ever become ONE with your own self since you are becoming dependent on others.

When you keep feeling bad about your own self by blaming yourself, that means you're telling yourself that you're bad and that will make you feel more bad about yourself. Here you will get entangled into a trap that will have to be removed indefinitely until you're capable of having complete control over your mental state.

When you are not dreaming but are still feeling your dreams, you stop.

Not expressing your feelings also stops you from moving ahead apart from misunderstanding your own self which is a very frequent occurrence with me.

Not completing your homework or office work also leads you to get stuck in life.

Another important point is conflicting beliefs stop a person from moving ahead.

Focusing on fear rather than faith and listening to self-belief breakers simply cuts your communication with the almighty which leads to stopping in life.

When you rebel with your own self and with others, you stop. When you rebel with life, life rebels with you the same way you do to it.

When you are fixed with beliefs that do not produced results, you stop.

When you're rigid with your thoughts and emotional understanding, you're bound to be rigid with life which in turn will manifest more rigidity for you. This rigidity will create obstruction within you which will make life difficult to live.

Not forgiving enough people and inculcating hatred weakens you from your mind, body and soul.

When you say you are aware of more than you actually are aware of, you stop.

When you don't find motivation in life and your enthusiasm is at lowest best, you stop.

When you find love is meaningless, you tend to stop.

When you don't have answers to questions that you really want to know, you stop.

When you have behaved like a beast, then you will never ever realize who you really are until you leave the beast aside.

When you are MAD or too angry or too joyful, beware - you are about to stop ahead in life.

Over-emotional people tend to cry a lot and mentally disordered people tend to laugh a lot.

Worry is the single most factor that stops a person from growing in life.

When you think you are much better than others and over-believe your self, you stop.

When you compare everything and everybody with everyone, you inculcate feelings of hatred, jealousy, complex, confusion, condemnation, complaints and you stop.

When you breathe, eat and sleep with loads of expectations, you feel stuck because you cannot LET GO attachments.

When you compare and compete with others, you are complexed about your own strengths and weaknesses.

Remember, competition has no bars and it can go to any limit that has been undefined and unrealized.

Do not compete with other's personally and personality; because competition is just a true spirit to love each other.

When you are traditioned with beliefs, you have inculcated wrong beliefs. Wrong beliefs lead you to the wrong place.

When you feel incapable of fulfilling your own dreams and desires, you stop indefinitely for an indefinite time frame.

When you are religiously extreme, you've made up your mind with closed beliefs that will let you realize the answers you always to hear.

When you keep telling your own self, "I can't" means you believe you can't and you never won't.

When you are complexed with social stigmas attached to your mind, body and soul, you will definitely feel ashamed of your own mind, body and soul.

Its' when you are not searching for answers to your questions that you feel incomplete.

When you don't ask what you exactly want from life, you stop.

Having faith within the almighty, the true self, is the key to success and the difference between failure and success.

Focus is one and within the love of the true creative self.

Forgiveness is belief, self-belief and hatred is belief but against belief.

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